onsdag 9 juli 2008

First Time Blahg

Today is the last wednesday I will spend in Sweden in a while.
Therefor I have started this blahg to keep my friends and faimly updated with whats going on!

This blahg will continue in english throughout my stay, so that my darling James and my english friends will be able to read this :)

Anyways, this will be short, but these are the plans for the next few months (so far):

15/7 - Moving to Plymouth, plane leaves at 16.20
18/7 - Planned date for acess to our new flat (!)
20/7 - Matts (Stov) Birthday
26/7 - Pauls (Talktofrank) Wedding. We are going to the party afterwards :)

Beginning of august: France! Alistairs summerplace, Me, James, Andy, Rich, Alistair(ofc), and mb Heidi and Gustaf(Treb). Will be there for about a week.
15/8 - Lisa, Gustaf and Rich are coming to visit in Ply! yey!

3/10 - Going to Grenzschen(?) in Switzerland for Davids(Sly) weeding! Amg, cant believe we are invited, but I feel very honoured and very very geeky. lal.

31/10 - for about a week or so, around this date, there will be ome swedes coming to Plymouth for Halloween celebrations. Y'all will have to wear a costume! (at least at some point).

well ye, thats it for now... Will write more later.

All my love(tho most of it already is reserved for my James),


10/12 - around this date I will be going to sweden again to celebrate my dad turning 50.

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